Getting Past Japan’s Foreign Resident Banking Barrier
Building Partnerships
Japan is revered around the world for its culture, its innovations, and its beauty. In recent years, the country has faced an array of hardships that have tempered its momentum, from the disruption of its economy in the early 1990s to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear emergency. Its birthrate and average age are going in opposite directions, and some of its nearest neighbors—China, Russia, and North Korea—make noises that keep world leaders up at night.
Despite these challenges, Japan’s number one resource continues to be the dynamism and ingenuity of its people. And it’s not just the native citizenry anymore: Foreign residents, once a curiosity, now make up more than two percent of the population. Thanks to this demographic change, Japan now has a new resource ready to join with citizens in solving the nation’s most vexing problems.
The good news is that most immigrants are ready and willing to support their new home. Unfortunately, there are barriers that prevent them from full societal participation. From regulations and laws that place undue burdens on non-citizens to tacit discrimination in housing and employment, immigrants face an array of complications, many unknown to most Japanese. New arrivals also have difficulty adapting to cultural and linguistic challenges, and adequate support for such hurdles is often lacking.
Nihon Plus You works to overcome these obstacles, bring immigrants and native Japanese together for their mutual benefit, and encourage the participation of all residents in vital societal activities.